Global Team & Partners
August 17, 2021 2024-07-22 22:49Global Team & Partners
Global Team & Partners
The guys behind the curtains
Whose Inspirations You Love
Hello, Bonjour, Holà, Guten Tag
Welcome to our Global team
I am the founder of A-Z World Connections, Inc.
I am French-American
Born in Paris France
I live in South Florida
Cultures: Western Europe - USA - Latin America & Caribbean
Languages: French, English, Spanish, German
Specialty: Global Diversity, International Education, Travel & Hospitality
Certifications: CTA Coaching / I.D.I certified / CultureWizard™️ by RW3 Global Inclusion Calculator Certification
Quote: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!" Maya Angelou
Originally from: Martinique F.W.I
Cultures: France - Caribbean - Canada
Languages: French
Specialty: University Admission Counseling /Canada /Quebec
Certifications: BTS Assistante de Direction
Quote: "Plus vous donnerez d’attention aux aspects positifs de votre vie, plus il se développeront."
Hello, Bonjour, こんにちは
Originally from: Paris, France
Living in: Melbourne, Florida, USA
Cultures: France - Japan - China
Languages: French, English, Japanese
Specialty: Expat family & spouse intercultural coaching
Certifications: Life Coaching /E.L.I certified
Quote: “Les folies sont les seules choses qu’on ne regrette jamais.” Oscar Wilde
Hello, Salam, سلام
Originally from: Alexandria, Egypt
Living in: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Cultures: United States - Egypt
Languages: English, Arabic - notions of French, Spanish, German
Specialty: Arab Cultures, US Culture, Muslims in the workplace, Religion as an important part of DEI
Certifications: Qualified IDI administrator, certified coach
Quote: "Do for your end as if you will die tomorrow and do for this world as if you will live forever."
Originally from: Chicago, Illinois USA
Living in: Tulsa, OKlahoma. USA
Cultures: United States of America
Languages: English
Specialty: Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Healing Racism, and Storytelling/Storylistening
Certifications: IDI Qualified Administrator
Quote: "Culture is a Treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." – Chinese proverb
Hello, Holà
Originally from: Lima, Peru
Living in: Vancouver, Canada
Cultures: Canada, Peru
Languages: Spanish, English. French
Specialty: Cross-culturally training and coaching for organizations and people. Latin America.
Certifications: IDI Qualified Administrator
Quote: "Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres."
Linguistic Mentor
Lifestyle Inspirer
Computer Engineer
Graphic Designer
The guys on the front line
Leading with World Class Excellence

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